Автор(и):Honcharenko O. H

Місце роботи: 

Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate ProfessorHead of the Department of Economics and Social Sciences,Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine

Мова: Англійська

Науковий вісник Сіверщини. Серія:Право  2018№1(3):205-214


Forming a modern state criminal policy it is necessary to take into account the possibilities of the state to pay for the security of society and its financial capabilities. The combination of losses that are incurred as a result of the crime, their negative impact on the socio-economic development of the country forced the state to spend the financial resources on the protection from the criminal threats. As a terminological category of the calculation of aforementioned costs in the criminological literature, the term “price of the crime” is used.

The analysis of costs, losses and damages incurred by individuals, the state and the society as a result of the crime, allows to highlight the structural elements that make up the “price of the crime”, namely: costs of the state, society, legal entity and individuals on the prevention of crime, that is the implementation of special measures of protection against criminal anticipated risks; losses of the state, society, legal entity and individuals in connection with any crime; expenses to eliminate the consequences of crimes related to the restorationof the condition which concerns the crime, money compensation, insurance claims, medical care and the rehabilitation of victims and their families, a reduction in employment level, working productivity, losses of income fromthe closing of the organization, etc., government expenditures on the execution of punishment andthe prevention of recurrent crimes, that is the costs of the state bodies and public organizations that have been incurred in connection with the execution of punishment and resocialization of the prisonersand the implementation of measures which are directed on the prevention of the crime recidivism (the employment, the administrative supervision, the control of apparatus of probation and other law enforcement bodies).

The main conclusion to which researchers have come in the definition of “price of the crime” does not indicate the social consequences and losses incurred by the society as a result of illegal acts committed, but also it indicates aboutpossible direct impact of these costs on the rate of the economic development of the country. Therefore, the society have to controll the state activity, the law enforcement bodies including the penitentiary system constantly and carefully.

Key words: price, costs, losses, society, state, criminal policy.


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