Author (s):Kobzar O. F.

Work place:

Doctor of Sciences (Law), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Criminal Process, Dnipropetrovsk State Universityof Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2018 No 1(3):222-229


The article analyzes the issues of printing using the results of the survey when making the service of the National Police of Ukraine. Studied scientific characteristics polygraph and “teoryii polygraph.” Determined that the polygraph technology survey is rather questionable condition for selection of candidates to the National Police of Ukraine. Whereas it is necessary to consider that each person perceives stress differently depending on the type of temperament and other personality characteristics. So legislator proposed method of selection of candidates should not be based on the interpretation of changes in the human polygraph. Also note that the negative results of polygraph testing itself should not be the basis for the denial of candidates for appointing police. If the person is not tested, the results can get to her personal file and prevent its career. Polygraph testing is not considered completely reliable, and its results may be subject to manipulation, so the possibility of using polygraph survey as a tool to evaluate the integrity of candidates to serve in the National Police of Ukraine is impractical.

Key words: polygraph, polygraph questioning, Service, National Police, “the theory of the polygraph.”


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