Author (s): Kuchuk A. M.
Work place:
Doctor of Sciences (Law), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Dnipropetrovsk State Universityof Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2018 No 1(3):9-17
The article is devoted to the study of correlation of the phenomena denoted with the terms “law system” (within the post soviet space) and “legal system” (within the boundaries of the western legal culture). Attention is paid to incorrectness of the conclusion as to agreement of the rise of the term “law system” with the name of the French lawyer Rene David. It is concluded that foreign lawyers mostly avoid the use of the term “legal system”, and using it, in fact, identify the phenomenon, marked with this term, with another phenomenon – marked with the term “law”. The European professional literature does not use terms “legal system” and “system of law” as the equivalent of the notions “law system” and “system of law”.
The analysis of sources, the subject of study of which is law system and the legal system, allows us to conclude that for legal science, the fact that various states have the regulatory features of ensuring order in society is well-known. The similarity of regulation of social relations allows us to typologize national systems of Law. Foreign lawyers mostly avoid using the word “legal system”, but using them, actually identify the phenomenon that affects them, with the other – denoted by the term “right”.
Key words: law, legal system, system of law, systemacy, soviet jurisprudence.
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