Historiographical analysis the origin of malorossiya  cossacks

Author (s):  Liubych O. A

Work place: 

Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Social Disciplines, Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2017 No 2(2):24-31



The article analizes historiographical conceptions and theories dealing with the origin of Malorossiya Cossack class. It was cleared up that there were two ideas of Malorossiya Cossacks origin: ethnic and social. Scientists share the opinion that it is Cossacks who defended Ukrainian people from foreign enemies, made an active resistance to social, national and religious oppression.

The author of the article makes an attempt to analyze the views and ideas of researchers XIX–XXI centuries about these events, understand and determine the value of the historical heritage with a modern point of view.

The principles of the manning of the Cossack army in Ukraine in the XVII century are nalizised in this article, and the internal organization of the troops, and the system of maintenance and command are considered in this article.

The author considers cultural, social and economic, political, technical and legal factors that influenced the local low abolishing and changes in the cultural life of Chernigov province giving in a specific legal and cultural status.

It is grounded that Malorossiya Cossacks were formed out of the representatives from different classes and the autochthon conceptions on Malorossiya Cossacks origin are the most evident of all.

It is reasoned out that vacant lends in the left-bank Ukraine were the neccessary condition for the development of Malorossiya Cossacks settlement.

Key words: historiography, methodological principles, malorossiyskie’s сossacks, сossack’s regiments, historical heritage, ethnic, social status.


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