Requirements for the electronic version of the article

1.An electronic version of the articlemust be sent to the editorial board of the scientific journal in the text editor Microsoft Word 2003 in doc format.

  1. In order to ensure the quality of the print publication the photos to the articles (with obligatory indication of the place, where the photo must be put and the appropriate signature in the article) must be submitted in jpg format.
  2. The figures (tables) to the articles must be submitted with the reference to the corresponding source, or with the indication that the figure (table) is the author’s development. The figures must be made using the corresponding graphic images and must be shaped vertically or horizontally on one page.
  3. The formulas must be madeusing the corresponding editor (MS Equation).


  1. Technical requirements:

The paper must consist of 10 – 12 pages.

Format is A4 (297 x 210).

Margins everywhere are 20 mm.

Type is Times New Roman 14 1.5 space,indent from the paragraph is 1,25 cm for the whole text of the article, references, annotation, keywords, etc.

Pages are not numbered.

Numbering of the references is not automatic.

  1. The article is submitted in Ukrainian, English, Polish, German.
  2. Structural elements of the article are the following:

the title of the journalsection, which the article is submitted to;

UDC(in the upper left corner of the page);

author’s surname and initials(in the upper right corner of the page);

academic degree, academic rank, honorary title, position and full name of the author’s place of work (studying), city, country (in the upper right corner of the page);

a blank line;

the title of the articlein capital letters (in the center);

a blank line;

a summary and key words in the language of the article(1800 – 2000 symbols);

target settingin general, urgency of the research and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks;

actual scientific researches and issues analysisin which the solution of this problem was started up and which the author uses, defining of earlier uninvestigated parts of general problem, which this article is devoted to;

purpose setting (formulating of the tasks of the article);

statement of basic materialsof the research with a complete reasoning of obtained scientific results;

conclusionsand prospects for further scientific researches;

a blank line;

The sources to the article must be made in two lists:

1) “List of used sources”(in the center) is given in the order of their mentioning in the text of the article. This list is provided in original languages of the sources that the author refers to.

The bibliographic list of the papers is submitted in accordance with DSTU 8302:2015. The reference to the source is made directly in the text. The square brackets indicate the serial number of the source used, and a specific page is mentioned through a comma (for example: [5, pp. 74]; [15, p. 18]).

2) «References» – variant of used sources, made in English, according to Harvard style.

a blank line;

a summary and keywords in English (1800-2000 symbols).

The summary must contain: author’s surname, initials and the title of the article.

List of obligatory materials that must be sent to the e-mail address of the editorial board:

1) electronic version of the article;

2) if the author has no scientific degree he/she must provide a scanned review from a Doctor of Sciences or a Ph.D. on a submitted article. The reviewer’s signature must be confirmed by the authorized person and sealed with the seal of the institution (body, organization, etc.) according to the reviewer’s main place of work;

3) information about the author (authors) as in the example;

An article submitted to the Editorial Board without adhering to the requirements is not reviewed and published.

The feefor posting an article in the scientific journal is clarified with the editorial board after its recommendation for publishing.

The amount of the publication fee of the article is 800 UAH (up to 12 pages). If the volume of the article exceeds 12 pages, the cost of each additional page is 60 UAH.
Authors will receive payment details of the publication fee after the mandatory internal blind review of scientific articles and the verification for plagiarism.

©2024. Penitentiary academy of Ukraine