Author (s): Zaluhovska H. P.

 Work place:

 Zaluhovska H. P.,

Head of the Department of Educational, Psychological Work and Organization of Leisure Time, Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine;

ORCID: 0000-0003-2258-5073

 Language: Ukrainian

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2021 No 2(13): 67–78


The peculiarities of candidates’ selection for work in the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine are considered in the article. The statutory regulations that determine the requirements for applicants to serve in the SCES of Ukraine, among which the leading place is occupied by the Law of Ukraine “On the SCES of Ukraine” and the Law of Ukraine “On National Police” are analyzed. The advantages and disadvantages in the functioning of the domestic system of requirements for candidates for work in the SCES of Ukraine are revealed. Enough attention is paid to the Ukrainian and foreign approaches to the staffing of the Penitentiary System.
The standard of requirements for candidates for employment in the Penitentiary System, enshrined in international legal acts, is analyzed, as well as the requirements for candidates for employment in such countries as Germany, Switzerland, Iceland, Austria, Canada and Denmark, which are not typical for the Ukrainian Penitentiary System, are considered and analyzed.
In order to improve the current legislation governing the selection of persons to the SCES of Ukraine, the article provides a comparative analysis of the procedure for staffing foreign and Ukrainian penitentiary bodies and institutions, as well as the requirements for candidates for the SCES of Ukraine and foreign Penitentiary Systems. Due to this, promising approaches to improving the quality of staffing of the Penitentiary System of Ukraine are revealed and the feasibility of using foreign experience in recruiting for the penitentiary system of Ukraine is substantiated, as well as the changes to current legislation setting requirements for candidates for SCES of Ukraine are proposed. At the same time, it is emphasized that borrowing positive foreign experience of completing penitentiary positions requires amendments to the current legislation of Ukraine, as well as synchronization with the peculiarities of the Ukrainian Penitentiary System by creating a pilot project in order to actually test the results of world analysis, monitoring and tracking the changes, on the basis of which it will be possible to make further decisions.
The expediency of creating a separate statutory regulation, the purpose of which is to regulate the procedure for passing the military medical commission exclusively by candidates for service in the SCES of Ukraine and junior enlisted as well as the command staff of the SCES of Ukraine, is substantiated.
Key words: penitentiary system, personnel, vacant position, position requirements, selection system.
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