Essence and structure of anticriminal responsibility for the new doctrine of a species division of legal responsibility

Author (s): Tuntula O. S

Work place: 

Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil and Criminal Law and Process,

Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University,Mykolaiv

Language: Ukrainian

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2017 No 2(2):163-174


On the basis of the newest doctrine of the species division of legal responsibility for the constitutional, anticriminal, administrative, disciplinary, de-facto property-contractual and de-jure property-contractual responsibility, the essence and structure of anticriminal responsibility are revealed. The essence and structure of positive and negative anticriminal responsibility are considered in detail. The division of negative anticriminal responsibility into punitive-educational, restorative and concomitant anticriminal responsibility is described.

It is concluded that the essence and structure of anti-criminal liability is outlined in the first variation of the newest doctrine of the degree of legal nature of the legal division of responsibility, in the most detailed and thorough manner. It is pointed out that it can be the basis for further improvement of this approach and the nature and structure of all other types of legal liability in the process of broad, correct scientific discussion.

Key words: structure of anticriminal liability, punitive-educational anticriminal responsibility, positive anticriminal liability, restorative anticriminal liability, legal nature.


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