Author (s):Tkachenko О. H.

Work place:

Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative, Civil and Commercial Law and Process, Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2018 No 1(3):239-247


The article is devoted to the study of the issue of the citizens’ realization of their constitutional right to protect against unlawful encroachments using weapons and devices for shooting cartridges equipped with rubber projectiles. It defines its legal basis and analyzes the shortcomings of the current legislation, as today the social relations connected with the circulation of weapons and devices for shooting cartridges equipped with rubber shells are regulated by dozens of normative and legal acts, among them – decrees, decrees, orders, and The law regulating these issues has not been adopted in our country by this time. Considering this problem, the author came to the conclusion that it should be resolved as soon as possible, in the interests of society and every law-abiding citizen, and not in the interests of those who are inclined to commit offenses.

The problem of administrative and legal regulation of the citizens’ right to use weapons and devices for shooting cartridges equipped with rubber projectiles, for an individual purpose, the essence and legal grounds for the circulation of weapons and devices for shooting cartridges equipped with rubber shells, has not only theoretical but also practical significance. This again emphasizes the urgency of the problem of the study of the legal and administrative framework for the circulation of weapons and devices for shooting cartridges equipped with rubber shells used to protect and protect the person, his life, health, rights, freedoms and legitimate interests and property.

The article deals with the theoretical and legal provisions of the updated legislation of Ukraine, namely, the draft Law No. 2105 “On the Circulation of Non-Military Destruction Weapons” of 09.02.2009, and the Draft Law “On Civilian Weapons and Ammunition” 1135-1 dated 10.12.2014 which was included to the agenda of the sixth session of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the eighth convocation.

Key words: citizens’ safety, the right to protect life, the order of arms circulation and devices for shooting ammunition equipped with rubber shells, administrative and legal regulation, rights, freedoms and legitimate interests.


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