Author (s): Sykal M. M., Hulevych Ya. S.

Work place:

Sykal M. M.

Ph.D. in Law,

Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative, Civil and Commercial Law and Process,

Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine

Hulevych Ya. S.

Senior Inspector of Personnel Department

State Institution “Kyiv Investigatory Insulator”, Kyiv, Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2018 No 2(4): 27-36



The article is dedicated to legal issues of making judges disciplinary responsible. The grounds and procedure of making judges disciplinary responsible are analyzed in the article. The emphasis is placed on studying the elements of legal structure of a disciplinary offense committed by a judge. It was found out that, for a disciplinary offense, committed by a judge, disciplinary measures may be imposed on him in the form of: 1) a warning; 2) a reprimand – with the deprivation of the right to receive additional payments to the salary of a judge within one month; 3) a strict reprimand – with the deprivation of the right to receive additional payments to the salary of a judge within three months; 4) a submission of a temporary (from one till six months) removing from administration of justice – with the deprivation of the right to receive additional payments to the salary of a judge and obligatory sending of a judge to the National School of Judges of Ukraine for the completion of 28 training courses, determined by the authority conducting disciplinary proceedings against judges, and further qualification assessment to confirm the judge’s ability to administer justice in an appropriate court; 5) a submission regarding the transfer of a judge to a lower court; 6) a submission on the dismissal of a judge from his office.It has been established that disciplinary proceedings follow a complaint regarding a disciplinary offense of a judge (disciplinary complaint), or on the initiative of the Disciplinary Chamber or the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine in cases stipulated by law. Disciplinary proceedings include the main stages: 1) preliminary examination and verification of a disciplinary complaint; 2) opening of a disciplinary case; 3) consideration of a disciplinary complaint and adoption of a decision to make or a refusal to make a judge disciplinary responsible.As a result of studying statistics data, it was concluded that the Supreme Council of Justice is much more effective while implementing powers to make judges disciplinary responsible than the High Council of Justice that worked earlier.The directions of improvement of current legislation in the field of making judges disciplinary responsible are formulated. Key words: grounds of judges’ disciplinary responsibility, procedure of making judges disciplinary responsible, the Supreme Council of Justice, disciplinary proceedings.REFERENCES

  1. Judges’ status: educational and practical manual (2006), Marochkin, I. Ye., Kriuchko, Yu. I., Moskvych, L. M., Nazarov, I. V. and Trahniuk, R. R. Kharkiv. Р. 754.
  2. Kovalenko, K. V. (2008), “General and special disciplinary responsibility”, Law forum, available at: irbis-nbuv.gov.ua/cgibin/irbis_nbuv/cgiirbis_…ex.htm_2008_2_31.pdf (accessed 10 April 2018).
  3. “On the Judicial System and Judges’ Status: Law of Ukraine dated 02.06.2016 № 1402-VIII”, (2016), News of Verkhovna Rada. 31, Article 545.
  4. Ukraine (2016), On the High Council of Justice: Law of Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, available at: http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/1798-19 (accessed 10 April 2018).
  5. “High Council of Justice”, Information on bringing judges to disciplinary responsibility in 2017, available at: www.vru.gov.ua/add_text/226 (accessed 10 April 2018).


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