The essence and significance of legality in conditions of legal Ukrainian state forming

Author (s): Sobakar A. O.

Work place: 

Doctor of Sciences (Law), Professor, Head of the Department of Tactical and Special Training,

Dnipropetrovsk State Universityof Internal Affairs, Dnipro, Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2017 No 2(2):103-112


The article is devoted to clarifying the nature and value of law as an integral component of the legal state.

Comprehensively analyzes the state of the rule of law in the state, which is far from optimal and, therefore, requires the adoption of measures for its improvement.

This concept of legality, the characteristic features and investigate its legal guarantees. In particular, the conclusion that the essence of legality consists in the precise and strict observance and implementation of laws and subordinate normative legal acts of state authorities, local self-government, their officials, authorized persons and citizens. Despite the large number of interpretations of such a multifaceted the studied phenomenon, all of them in combination to reflect the essence and content of law.

To the rule of law is characterized by such main features: universality − that is, provisions of laws regulate social relations irrespective of time and place of their occurrence; universal validity − in this trait reflects the higher legal force of law as the regulations of the law binding on all subjects of law regardless of property status, belonging to public authority; validity − provisions of laws are objective, they actually send public relations profitable for the companies direction, when reaching the balance of interests of person and state; the presence of government entities ensure adherence to the rule of law.

Key words: legitimacy, the rule of law, security, protection, law enforcement аgency, legal state, the rule of law.


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