Author (s): Shumna L. P., Ohorodnyk О. H., Svyrydenko N. М.

Work place:

Shumna L. P.

Doctor of Sciences (Law), Associate Professor,

Head of the Department of State and Law Theory and History, Constitutional Law,
Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine

Ohorodnyk О. H.

Senior Lecturer of the Department of State and Law Theory and History, Constitutional Law,
Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine

Svyrydenko N. M.

Postgraduate Student of the Department Criminal, Criminal and Executive Law and Criminology,

Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2018 No 3(5): 46-55



The article is written on a new range of social functions of labor law. Historical component of labor law was considered in this article. Normative and legal acts of foreign countries, in particular: Italy, France, Germany and other countries in the field of labor law were analyzed. Attention was paid to the issue of dignity and honor, as well as to employer’s respect for his employees. The problem that is connected with the new essence of labor law, its use in order to provide any employee with maximum social and psychological comfort at work a place was considered. Particular attention was paid to such a concept as “Mobbing” and the way it affects the workflow. “Mobbing” can be the cause of a nervous breakdown (a kind of psychosocial accident) and even the loss of ability to work. Also, the issue of sexual harassment at a workplace and the way this issue was settled in foreign countries was considered.It was determined which first steps were made in domestic labor law concerning human rights. The emphasis is made on ensuring such rights as: workers’ honor and dignity, their independence and other personal rights. The first step in this direction was made by the Law of Ukraine dated 08.09.2005 “On ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men”. At the level of the act of the highest legal force, the duty of an employer is to take measures to eliminate cases of sexual harassment was established.Also the draft Labor Code, namely, those rules that regulate the issue of respect employees’ honor and dignity by employers was taken into account in the article.It was highlighted that labor rights and obligations providing by means of subsidiary use of civil law rules is relevant both for law enforcement practice and for the study of special legal literature. The paper proves that labor law is now more often considered to be an instrument for establishing cooperation not only between entrepreneurs and employees in the spirit of social partnership, but also among employees themselves. All this is necessary and important for normal and effective work, healthy labor relations.Key words: labor, labor law, honor and dignity, human relations, labor relations, an employer, an employee, draft Labor Code, mobbing.REFERENCES

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