The essence of the concept «violence in family» as legal category

Author (s):Shamruk N. B.

Work place: 

Ph.D. in Law, Lecturer of the Department of Administrative, Civil and Commercial Law and Process,

Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2017 No 2(2):112-121


Human rights exercising, the guaranteeing the right to life and health care, to free personal development are the major tasks of the law-based social state defined by the Constitution of Ukraine. Guaranteeing these rights is closely connected with counteraction against violent actions and domestic violence in particular.

Scholars of the post Soviet period identified domestic violence with minor everyday crimes. The works of the best scientific schools of Ukraine have been published lately. They show the issues of the administrative law and criminology and help the define organizational and legal fundamentals of the activities in the state and public in the society regarding domestic counteraction against domestic violence.

That’s why exposing the subject of counteraction against domestic violence is incomplete without the analysis of this category with the attitude taking into account language, etymology, the investigation dealing with it. The combination of all these investigations makes it possible to realize better the essence of this phenomena, to work out well-founded ways of its overcoming.

«Domestic violence» as well as its synonim «domestic everyday violence» concerns people from the social and economical environment, it may happen to any couple, to people who live together or are in close relationship. Marriage, family relations, joint residence, even temporary common everyday relations (for example, periodic giving parties by neighbours, friends may be qualified as acts of aggression and as domestic violence) are not a compulsory (indication) National and foreign publications give critical remarks regarding incomplete considering the probable victims of the domestic violence. In particular Kovaliova O. V., Lysiuk V., EKvino G .G. suggested to make a distinct list of the family members who may become victims of domestic violence .

Key words: violence, force coercion, violence in the family, the victim, spouses, parents, marriage.


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