Mathematics of relative measurements of crime

Author (s):Serdiuk P.P.

Work place: 

Chief Scientific Researcher of the Scientific and Methodological Department

ensuring the organization of work in the Public Prosecutor’s Offices,

National Research Institute,

National Academy of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine, Kyiv

Language: Ukrainian

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2017 No 2(2):154-163


In the report is presented an explanation of why the method, based on the analytical unit of 10,000 or 100,000 populations should not be used to compute crime. This method of calculation does not take into account the relative impact of the total population by the number of crimes committed. A situation where the territory with a different number of population are compared with existing formulas for calculating the intensity of crime shows a significant mistake, lying on the surface, error. It consists in the fact that in the formula as a divider is included the aggregate of all the crimes committed by the entire population, rather than an analytical comparison base of 100,000 people. This leads to the fact that in the region with a large population, the number of crimes will be greater and the comparison base is always the same – 10,000 or 100,000 people.

It seems to us that by applying the “Occam razor” to the cry of the fact that it has a greater impact on crime, the number of population, or the rampant mass of all possible factors, from full moon to poverty, the population does not require the multiplication of entities, then There are many other theories explaining why there are crimes, but the establishment of correlation does not pretend to explain the causes of crime. It only shows that the number of population affects the possibility of different forms, including reprehensible ones.

Key words: measurements, coefficient, index, relative quantity, crime.


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