Author (s): Nishchymna S., KrupkoYа.
Work place:
Nishchymna S.,
Doctor of Sciences (Law), Professor
Head of the Department of Administrative, Civil and Economic Law and Process,
Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine;
Krupko Yа.,
Ph.D. in Law,
Head of Postgraduate Studies Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2019 No 1(6): 49-57
The article is devoted to determining normative regulation of local budgets functioning in Ukraine. The basic principles of legal support of the activity of local budgets in Ukraine, which are enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine, the Budget Code of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine “On Local Self-Government in Ukraine”, are outlined.
Local self-government is the right of a territorial community to decide local issues within the Constitution and laws of Ukraine independently. Territorial community may consist of the residents of a village or a voluntary uniting residents of several villages in a village community, a settlement and a city. It is determined that local self-government is carried out by territorial communities of villages, settlements, cities as directly and through rural, town and city councils and their executive bodies, as well as through district and regional councils representing the common interests of territorial communities of villages, towns, cities.
According to Article 142 of the Constitution of Ukraine, the material and financial basis of local self-government is movable and immovable property, revenues of local budgets, other funds, land, natural resources owned by the territorial communities of villages, towns, cities, urban areas, the objects of their joint property, which are in the management of district and regional councils.
In order to ensure the activity of local budgets, the so-called estimated local budget amount is used. It is required for the implementation of local self-government powers at the level of minimum social needs, is guaranteed by the state and is called the minimum budget of local self-government.
The authority to approve district and regional budgets belongs to district and regional councils. In order to do it we use:
– funds of the state budget for their distribution between territorial communities or for implementation of joint projects;
– funds raised on a contractual basis from local budgets for the implementation of joint socio-economic and cultural programs.
Key words: local budget, normative regulation, territorial community, financial support of local self-government.
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