Author (s): Ivankov І., Shurubenko V.

Work place:

Ivankov I.

Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor;

Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative, Civil and Commercial Law and Process,

Academy of State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine

ORCID: 0000-0002-2090-8011

Shurubenko V.


Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2019 No 2(7): 7-12


The issues of police reforming during the reign of Alexander II were investigated in the article. The decree signed by the emperor on approving the “Temporary Rules on the Structure of Police in the Towns and Counties of the Provinces” was analyzed. The principle of dividing police into the following units: general; criminal; railway; factory; river; political police (a separate corps of gendarmes) was considered. Attention was paid to the creation of provincial police departments and provincial gendarmerie offices, headed by a police or gendarme major-general, or colonel. County police and city police existed separately on the territory of the province. The county police were headed by a county police officer, appointed by the governor. The collegial executive body, the county police department (assistant police officer, member assessors), was subordinate to him. The county was divided into states (headed by a bailiff and a police officer), regions or hundreds (headed by a centurion) and townships (headed by a ganger). The last two were elected by the people and worked on a voluntary basis (free of charge).

The city police worked in all provincial cities, city governments, in separate county and unconscious cities. The city police department was headed by a police chief appointed by the governor or the mayor. Lower ranks and executive officials, district bailiffs, city bailiffs, police guards, policemen and police officers were subordinated to him. The cities were divided into sectors: parts (city bailiff), a site (a district bailiff), and neighborhoods (a neighborhood). A policeman ensured an order in the streets. The Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs supervised general control of the police and gendarmerie.

Key words: a police officer, a police commander, a bailiff, a centurion, a ganger, a neighborhood, policeman.


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