Author (s): Ivankov І.

Work place:

Ivankov I.

Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor;

Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative, Civil and Commercial Law and Process,

Academy of State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine

ORCID: 0000-0002-2090-8011

Language: Ukrainian

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2019 No 3(8): 16-24


The article addresses to the study of the legal functioning principles of the system of correctional labor institutions on the territory of Ukraine, their role and place determination in the state-building process during the formation and development of various forms of Ukrainian statehood in the first half of the 20th century.

The preparation period of the new project of the Correctional Labor Code of Ukraine was saturated with the active searching process and creation of new norms of criminal-executive law, primarily aimed at improving the legal status of prisoners, ensuring the realization of their legitimate rights and interests. The Correctional Labor Code of Ukraine reflected the most important provisions on the criminal punishment application, fixed in the General Principles of Criminal Legislation of the USSR and the Union Republics, adopted on October 30, 1924. The structure of the Correctional Labor Code of Ukraine in 1925 consisted of the “General Provisions” and Chapter 21: the central and local authorities of the correctional labor affairs; distributive commissions; observation commissions; types of corrective labor institutions (CLI); the procedure for reception of prisoners to correctional labor institutions; classification of prisoners; general rules for the prisoners detention in correctional labor institutions; measures of disciplinary influence in correctional labor institutions; detention rules in labor agricultural, factory and craft colonies; detention rules of prisoners in transitional labor houses; detention rules in special-purpose insulators; organization of work in correctional labor institutions; cultural and educational work in correctional labor institutions; medical-sanitary department in correctional labor institutions; prisoners` escape; on the use of weapons by persons belonging to the administration, supervision and guardianship of a corrective labor institution; prisoners` release from a correctional institution; organization of prisoners` assistance and persons released from correctional labor institutions; organization of forced labor without detention; reforming laws and rules for keeping juvenile offenders; on the procedure of admittance to the correctional labor institutions of the Ukrainian SSR of persons not belonging to the official staff.

Key words: correction, Correctional Labor Code, correctional labor institutions, deprivation of liberty, prosiners.


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2.        Demkin, I. V., Mischenko, A. Z, Rosin, S. O. and Shatalina, E. P. (1957), Great October Socialist Revolution in Ukraine: February 1917 – April 1918, The struggle for the distribution and strengthening of Soviet power in Ukraine: December 1917 – April 1918, collection of documents and materials in three volumes, Kyiv, State Publishing House of Political Literature of the USSR, Vol. 3.

3.        Bratus, S. N. (1968), Codification of Soviet Legislation, All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Soviet Law, Law Literature, Moscow.


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