Author (s): Haryha-Hrykhno М.M.

Work place:

Haryha-Hrykhno М.

Forensic expert, Head of Scientific Department,

Chernihiv NDECC Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Chernihiv, Ukraine

ORCID: 0000-0003-2397-6383

Language: Ukrainian

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2019 No 3(8): 7-15


The article deals with the role of informational technologies in educational process. Peculiarities of using computer technique while studying are revealed.It is mentioned that the purpose of using video and other multimedia tools is to eliminate gaps in teaching clarity. Multimedia studying tools are versatile because they can be used at different stages of a lesson: during motivation as a problem statement before learning new material; when explaining new material as an illustration; during consolidation and synthesis of knowledge; in order to maintain knowledge control.It is stated that computer use has its pros and cons. Advantages of using computer technologies are the following: expanding the scope of opportunities for students’ independent work; freedom of information exchange, almost no access to digitized information resources; enabling to become a member of a virtual community, communicating people around the world through chats, blogs, email, etc; an opportunity to acquire new competences in the process of implementation, for example, of ICT project work; more effective use of time by the participants in educational process (for example, freeing up the time previously spent by a teacher on checking copybooks).Disadvantages of using computer technologies are also mentioned. They are: reduction of a share of “live” communication of participants of an educational process; extinction of traditional reading culture, devaluation of the cult of a book; emergence of various types of computer addiction – up to mental disorders; expanding access to unwanted information; threat to health (increased hypodynamia, loss of vision, etc.); risk of copyright infringement, spreading plagiarism, disclosure of confidential information.Developing a lesson using informational technologies is possible only if you have a specific electronic resource, educational software, your own presentation, or materials from the Internet.Key words: technology, studying technologies, multimedia, technical training tools.



1.              Piekhota, O. M. (2003), Educational Technologies, Kyiv.

2.              Davydenko, A. A. (2011), “The role of informational and communicational technologies in education and development of a younger generation”, Computer at School and in the Family, No. 1, рр. 10–15.

3.              Bakhanov, K. O. (1999), “What is studying technology?”, The Path of Education, № 3, рр. 21–26.

4.              Sikorskyi, P. I. (2004), Computer Studying Technologies”, Pedagogy and Psychology, No. 4, рр. 21–26.

5.              Hubska, O. V. (2014), “The Concept of Learning Technology”, available at: http: // tekhnologiji_navchannja/2–1–0–8.

6.              Tarasenko, O. (2007), “Reflections on the Urgency of Using Innovative Information Technologies in Education”, History of Ukraine, No. 39, рр. 5–10.

7.              Pyshchyk, O. V. (2011), Informational and Communicational Technologies and a Modern Lesson, Chemistry, No. 22, рр. 3–7.

8.              Hromovyi, V. V. (2011), “How to teach children who sit with their backs to the teacher?”, Head teacher, No. 25, рр. 19–21.


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