Author (s):Donii N. Ye

Work place: 

Doctor of Sciences (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Economics and Social DisciplinesAcademy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv

Language: English

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2017 No 2(2):9-24



Based on the analysis of historical, cultural and legal sources in article are briefly presented the main points of the legal recognition of prostitution in space-time parameters. It is indicated that it is expedient to search the historical roots of the phenomenon of prostitution in the moment of the beginning of the development of commodity-money relations, when the body became a commodity. The facts are given that the legalization of prostitution and the maintenance of its viability in certain periods of the development of society was carried out exclusively for a utilitarian purpose and for the sake of profit from this phenomenon.

Thus, the analysis of prostitution as a fact in space and time reveals, that in certain sense society is interested in the existence of this phenomenon. The fact is that the institution of prostitution by its nature is biosocial and its character is associated a lot with human nature and the processes occurring in social space. Its economic moment adds «vitality» to this phenomenon, because for an econometric social space, something that brings income is desirable and cultivated. We are sure that the prostitution as a phenomenon and fact will remain in the circle of ontolegal issues for a long time.

Key words: prostitution, legalization, basic instinct, brothel (whorehouse), hetaera.


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