Actual problems of geography of crime studying: some issues, concerning theory and practice

Author (s): Babenko A. M.

Work place: 

Doctor of Sciences (Law), Associate Professor,

Head of the Department of State and Law Theory and History,

Odessa State University of Internal Affairs, Odessa, Ukraine

Language: Ukrainian

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2017 No 2(2):179-187


The article deals with the geography of crime as a component of the science of criminology, which determines quantitative and qualitative parameters and peqularities of crime in different geographical and spatial systems. Separate categories of the geography of crime in the context of their forming in separate scientific schools of criminology in Ukraine and in foreign countries were investigated. The importance of the geography of crime for the forming the models and criteria of the effectiveness of crime prevention in territorial andspatial systems is proved.

The category «geography of crime» can be considered to be universal and one that includes all the terms that we regardered to be the elements of lower level. Scientific category «geography of crime» is a historically established, proven on practice and one that has proven its theoretical and practical importance. It is pointed out, that stability of Law and Order in the developed countries of the world is achieved through systematic monitoring of changes in geography of crime in all parts of the country, by monitoring the patterns in the changes of geographical picture of crime at the level of street, district, city region or country.

Key words: сriminology, geography of crime, territorial and spatial system, quantitative and qualitative parameters of crime, effectiveness of crime prevention. 


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