Author (s): Afanasenko A.S., Kondratov D.Yu., Bodnar I.V.
Work place:
Afanasenko А.S.,
Master student of the 2 course, 461 study group,
Academy of the State Penitentiary Service,
Chernihiv, Ukraine
Kondratov D. Yu.,
PhD in Law, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology,
Kharkiv National University of internal Affairs
ORCID: 0000-0001-5426-4878
Bodnar І.V.,
PhD in Law,
Head of the Department of Tactical and Special Training,
Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine
ORCID: 0000-0002-7814-9476
Language: Ukrainian
Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2020 No 2(10): 75-83
The process of blocking channels of incoming prohibited items to convicts, as the main counteraction to crime are considered in the article. Measures taken to prevent the commission of crimes in penal institutions are provided. The role of specific services of penal institutions in ensuring law and order on the territories of penal institutions is determined. It is established that the legislation of Ukraine needs the latest changes, by supplementing it with new norms, which would be focused on the safety of the personnel in the penitentiary system, taking into account the development trends of our state and criminal-executive legislation.
It is emphasized in the article that in order to ensure law and order in penal bodies, institutions and pre-trial detention centers of the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine, reliable blocking of incoming to protected areas, prohibited items, products and substances, storage and use of which is prohibited, as well as preventing their manufacturing, convicts and prisoners undergo special operations “Barrier” and “Shield”.
The authors singled out the categories of persons who are most inclined to hand over prohibited items to convicts, namely: convicts’ close relatives who have been granted the right to long-term visits by criminal-executive legislation; convicts’ relatives and other persons who try to transfer prohibited items and substances in transmissions, parcels and packages; PI staff; relatives, friends or former servicemen who throw prohibited items over the fences of the penal institution; persons who use vehicles to deliver prohibited items to the territory of the penal institution; other persons who have access to the territory of such institutions.
The authors came to the conclusion that in order to improve the counteraction to the blocking of the channels of incoming prohibited items to convicts, it is necessary to: use the latest technologies in the field of protection of the perimeters of the penal institutions; amend existing legislation and improve preventive work in this area.
Key words: prohibited items, blocking, channels of incoming, penal institutions, detection.
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- The results of the special operation “Shield”, available at:; jsessionid = DC60D6E8977FCC10150A4740A1F09774.
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