Author (s): Samofalov O.

Work place:

Samofalov O.,

Ph.D. in Law, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative,
Civil and Commercial Law and Process,

Penitentiary Academy of Ukraine,

Chernihiv, Ukraine

ORCID: 0000-0001-9157-7435


Language: Ukrainian

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2024 No 2 (22): 82-91


The article analyzes the basic concepts and grounds of civil liability, both in the general sense and for the personnel of the SCES (State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine). The author reveals the content and methods of compensation for damage caused by an offense during service by persons of the rank and command staff of the SCES of Ukraine.

The civil liability of persons of the rank and command staff of the SCES of Ukraine is one of the types of legal liability that arises for the commission of a civil offense, which is understood as an unlawful act or omission of a person that violates the norms of civil law or the terms of a contract, and with which the contract or law links the emergence of civil liability.

According to the fact that the activities of SCES of Ukraine personnel are closely related to a wide range of different rights and obligations, and therefore they are entitled to use coercive measures of physical influence, circumstances may arise in which misconduct may result in moral, property and physical harm to certain categories of citizens.

Departmental normative-legal acts do not provide for any type of legal liability other than disciplinary, especially civil liability. Therefore, when committing a criminal, administrative or civil law offense, persons of the rank and command staff of the SCES of Ukraine are liable on a general basis.

It is proved that compensation for damage can be made in kind or by way of monetary compensation. This means that in case of guilt is proved, the SCES of Ukraine personnel have the opportunity to choose the type of compensation of damage.

The article concludes with a definition of civil liability and outlines the ways to improve the enforcement of the rights of SCES of Ukraine personnel if it is necessary to implement the principle of compensation.

Key words: staff, State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine; persons of the rank and command staff; liability; civil liability; legal liability; damage; losses; compensation for damage.



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