Author (s): Puzyrna N.

Work place:

Puzyrna N.,

PhD in Law, Associate Professor,

Associate Professor of the Department of Public and Private Law,

Chernihiv Polytechnic National University,

Chernihiv, Ukraine

ORCID: 0000-0002-7297-0829


Language: Ukrainian

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2024 No 2 (22): 50-59


The article addresses to the legal regulation of physical education and sports. In the course of the analysis, the article identifies international and national aspects of such regulation, as well as trends in the development of the legal framework in the system of physical education and sports development. International standards in the field of physical education and sports were analyzed, in particular: The International Charter of Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport, the European Charter of Sport, the European Charter of Sport for All, the Code of Sports Ethics, the Declaration of the Rights and Responsibilities of Athletes, etc. The national aspects of legal regulation of physical education and sports were identified in the context of the analysis of the Constitution of Ukraine, the Laws of Ukraine “On Physical Culture and Sports”, “On Support of the Olympic, Paralympic Movement and High Performance Sports in Ukraine”, “On Prevention of the Impact of Corruption Offenses on the Results of Official Sports Competitions”, “On Anti-Doping Activities in Sports”, and other legal acts. A retrospective analysis of the regulatory and legal support for the development of physical education and sports allowed us to trace the formation of the main priorities of social development and the requirements for regulatory implementation in the legislation of Ukraine.

The basic priorities of the world’s leading experience in the development of physical education and sports and the possibility of its application in Ukraine are identified. It is concluded that today physical education and sports are an integral part of life not only of every person, but also of every country. It is noted that in modern society, the problems of compliance of our country’s domestic legislation on physical education and sports with the basic principles and norms of international law and international treaties of Ukraine are relevant. The author emphasizes that today in the field of physical education and sports there is still a problem of legal conflicts and contradictions of certain provisions of Ukrainian legislation.

Key words: legal regulation, physical education, physical culture, sports, legislation.



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