Author (s): Miden E.

Work place:

Miden E.,

PhD in History, Rector’s Assistant in the group
of Organizational and Analytical Work and Control,

Penitentiary Academy of Ukraine, Chernihiv, Ukraine

ORCID: 0000-0003-1625-7997


Language: Ukrainian

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2024 No 2 (22): 26-39


The issue of mobbing within the penitentiary system requires a comprehensive approach to studying the problem and addressing it within the state structure. For a long time in Ukrainian law, defining the concept of “mobbing” was challenging, leading to reliance on foreign experience, particularly in labor law. Ukrainian psychologists and managers, mirroring their foreign counterparts, emphasized the need for protection against mobbing, viewing it as an applied task requiring managerial resources like specialized training, mediation for conflict resolution, and the development of corresponding legal norms. The Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Prevention and Counteraction to Mobbing (Harassment)” came into effect on December 11, 2022, introducing the term “mobbing” into Ukrainian legislation. The law defines mobbing as actions by employers or individual employees aimed at demeaning the dignity and reputation of an employee, encompassing psychological and economic pressure, electronic communication use, or creating a hostile work environment. Consequently, since 2022, “mobbing” in Ukraine is legislatively recognized as a negative phenomenon primarily in labor relations. In the context of the penitentiary system, legal relationships often intersect with labor law, and the internal labor market of the penitentiary system has its peculiarities, engaging convicts in socially beneficial work. The evolving legal regulation of mobbing prevention within the penitentiary system should be examined in three stages: legal inheritance (before 2005), legislative improvements (2005–2022), and new challenges (from 2022). The history of legal regulation in preventing mobbing in the penitentiary system demonstrates gradual improvements in Ukrainian and global legislation, adapting international standards to enhance working conditions and prevent mobbing. Continuous evaluation and enhancement of measures for mobbing prevention within the criminal-executive institutions are crucial for creating fair and dignified working conditions for employees in the Ukrainian penitentiary system.

Key words: mobbing, State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine, legal regulation, prevention, legislation, employee.



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