Author (s): Haryha М.M., Verhun L.O., Kuznetsov О.O.

Work place:

Haryha-Hrykhno M. M.,

Forensic expert, Leading professional of Research organization of the Department of Activity Ensuring,

Chernihiv Region Scientific Research Forensic Centre of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

ORCID: 0000-0003-2397-6383

Verhun L.О.,

founder and leader of ІТ agency WellDigital,

Kyiv, Ukraine

Kuznetsov O.,

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Tactical and Special Training,

Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine

ORCID: 0000-0002-1064-9116

Language: Ukrainian

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2020 No 3(11): 89–99


The article analyzes the dynamics of crimes in the use of computers, systems, computer networks and telecommunications networks for 2019-2020, and focuses on the high “adaptive” ability of this criminal segment as well as the need to improve existing and create new effective mechanisms to combat relevant criminal acts. One of the conditions for the existence of such mechanisms is the presence of thorough forensic characteristics of this group of crimes, which allows identifying and understanding the training, commission and concealment of the group of illegal acts. The research describes the main approaches to determining the mandatory and optional features of the crime in the use of computers, systems and computer networks. The article also provides a brief forensic description of cybercrime in accordance with the generally accepted system, which contains the following elements: the identity of the offender, methods of preparation for the crime; the victim, the subject of the offense; the circumstances of the crime, the consequences of any changes caused by the crime in the physical material damage reflected in the material situation of the crime. To determine the scope of the investigated illegal actions, a list is given to be solved by specialists of the Cyber Police Department of the National Police of Ukraine. Additionally, the main methods of hacking websites are described, including: SQL injection, Cross-site scripting, Phishing, Shared hosting, Cross-Site Scripting, Cross-Site Request, ForgeryCookie Faking, Man-In-The-Middle , Clickjacking, Brute-Force, Zero Day, Backdoor. An approximate list of tasks that may be assigned to forensic experts in the case of their participation in the investigation of crimes in the use of electronic computers, systems and computer networks.

Key words: cybercrime, cyber crime actions, crime statistics, computer crimes.


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