Author (s): Borychenko K.

Work place:

Borychenko K.,

Doctor of legal science, Professor of the Department
of Labour Law and Social Security Law,
National University «Odesa Law Academy»,

Odesa, Ukraine

ORCID: 0000-0003-2837-5982


Language: Ukrainian

Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2024 No 2 (22): 16-25



Two means of judicial control over the execution of decisions in social disputes are analyzed: establishing the obligation of a socially obligated entity to provide a report on the execution of the decision; imposing a fine on the head of the subject of authority responsible for the execution of the decision.

It has been proven that currently there is no more effective means of ensuring the practical restoration of the violated right to social protection than the establishment of judicial control over the execution of the adopted court decision.

It was established that at the first stages, judicial control over the execution of decisions in social disputes was indeed effective and stimulated socially-obliged subjects to properly and timely implement relevant court decisions, thereby ensuring the effective restoration of the violated rights of affected persons, however, in modern conditions, the effectiveness of judicial control in relevant disputes is significantly reduced. The article also states that the effectiveness of the relevant legal norms in modern conditions is nullified by the formed judicial practice, since the systematic obligations of a socially obligated entity to submit a report on the execution of a court decision do not lead to the practical restoration of the violated human right to social protection, which negatively affects both the social security of this person and the economy of the state, ensuring legality and the rule of law.

It has been proven that the formed judicial practice actually led to double standards in the field of judicial control over the execution of decisions in social disputes, according to which judicial control involves active actions of the court even after rendering a decision on the merits of the dispute, and on the other hand, the imposition of a fine on the head of a socially responsible entity is possible only on the condition that the court establishes circumstances that testify to the deliberate non-fulfillment of the court’s decision, which the court is limited in its ability to collect.

Key words: social protection, right to social protection, social disputes, judicial control, court decision, social legislation.



  1. Smokovych, M. (2021), Execution of decisions of courts of administrative justice. Problems. Ways of improvement, Materials of the round table, Kyiv.
  2. Sherstiuk, H. (2020), “The need for judicial control over the execution of decisions in social disputes”, Social rights and their protection by the administrative court : collection of materials of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference (Kyiv, September 4, 2020), Kyiv, рр. 368–371.
  3. Decision of the Odesa District Administrative Court dated December 5, 2022 in case No. 420/14878/22, available at: https://reyestr.court.gov.ua/Review/107670595.
  4. Decision of the Odesa District Administrative Court dated December 5, 2022 in case No. 420/15306/22, available at: https://reyestr.court.gov.ua/Review/107670596.
  5. Decision of the Odesa District Administrative Court dated May 12, 2023 in case No. 420/2860/23, available at: https://reyestr.court. gov.ua/Review/110830648.
  6. Resolution of the Supreme Court dated April 23, 2020 in case No. 560/523/19, available at: http://reyestr.court.gov.ua/Review /88886054.


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