Author (s): Prokhorenko O. Ye., Bodnar I. V.
Work place:
Prokhorenko O. Ye.
Postgraduate Student,
Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine
Bodnar I. V.
Ph.D. in Law,
Head of the Department of Tactical and Special Training,
Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Chernihiv, Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Law 2018 No 2(4): 87-94
The article deals with the issues related to the definition of the criteria of classifying the reasons and conditions of committing crimes connected with public outrage upon state symbols. Having examined the criteria of classifying the reasons and conditions of committing crimes connected with public outrage upon state symbols, the author came to a conclusion that it is expedient to classify them as external and internal.Taking into account the multi-level approach to revealing the reasons and conditions of committing crimes, domestic criminologists divide the reasons and conditions of person’s criminal behavior into internal and external (objective and subjective). This division is the most successful while investigating the reasons and conditions of a crime connected with public outrage upon the State Flag of Ukraine, the State Coat of Arms of Ukraine or the State Anthem of Ukraine.
The internal reason of criminal behavior is crime-based motivation. First of all, it is forcible, selfish and mercenary-violent motivation of criminal behavior in order to conquer, maintain authority and informal status in a certain social environment.
While studying of internal determinants of criminal behavior, along with the motivation for criminal behavior, it is necessary to pay attention to the value orientations of a person that influence the motivation of individual criminal behavior.
External reasons of person’s criminal behavior are expressed in a conflict criminogenic situation between a person who commits a crime related to contempt of state symbols and between other persons, state and non-state institutions, and external conditions are expressed in the peculiarities of the microenvironment in which a person appeared.
While committing a criminal act a person always operates in a certain multicomponent situation. Situations preceding crime, based on their content, are divided into criminogenic ones (those that create the objective preconditions of the crime) and non-criminogenic (neutral or those that even create obstacles to the crime). A person committing a crime introduces his or her personal qualities as a result of forming him or her as a person who becomes a component of a situation that makes it possible to commit a crime.Criminogenic situation manifests itself in most crimes. Most often it is a conflict situation. Stages of conflict criminogenic situation are expressed in the stages of its solution.Along with the external reasons of criminogenic situation, the external conditions of criminal behavior, consisting of the features of the microenvironment, which contribute or hinder the development of a conflict criminogenic situation, as well as the direct commission of crimes, play an important role in committing crimes. In fact, they are expressed in various disadvantages of the activities of structural units of state and non-state institutions.Key words: state symbols, external reasons of criminal behavior, internal reasons of criminal behavior, motivation, value orientations, microenvironment.REFERENCES
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